Category: K9 Cats Waiting for Homes


Tabitha (3 años) es una gatita super juguetona y cariñosa. Le encanta la gente y siempre pide mimos. Es la gata perfecta para cualquier familia. Sin embargo, Tabitha es positiva como portadora del coronavirus, por lo que necesita un hogar …


  This beautiful ginger cat is Blondie. She is a lovely and calm cat that likes to be petted. Blondie would be better as the only cat in the house.   Esta gata tan guapa se llama Blondie y es …


Sweetpea (3 years old) is very shy and scared of people, so she likes being alone. She came to k9 with some neurological problems, but these don’t show in her daily life. Sweetpea has a very calm personality and gets …


Eve came as a very scared kitten from the street with a broken hip. The hip has healed, but she is still scared. But she is happy living in our cattery.