Category: Re-homed cats


Grace is a female, around 3/4 months. She is a little shy but soon comes around. July 2015 Sadly she has tested positive for Leukemia, but is in a healthy condition.


Rogers is a male cat around 3/4 months. He loves to play and run around.


Ginger is a female, very rare. She is friendly but a little shy on initial contact, she is around 3/4 months.

The J family

The J family, 2 months old. 4 girls and 1 boy.


Soldier is a female kitten around 4 weeks old. She is friendly and happy to cuddle.


Jeremy is a male around 1 year old. Has come from a home but there was an allergy in the family. He came in with Kyle and they need to be homed together. They are both very friendly and loveable …


Kyle is a male, around 1 year old. He came from a family that had a member with allergies. He has long hair. He came in with Jeremy and they need to be homed together. They are both very friendly and …


Tiger, female, 5 months now a year old Jan 2015. Tiger is now 5 years old. She is still shy but would love a chance of a home


Gollum is a male cat around 8 months old. He is friendly and loving once he has settled into a new environment. 2nd photo taken January 2017, Gollum is now 3 years old


Calli is a little shy, male cat, he is around 1 year old. He will make a very good companion, as he does like a cuddle, but this may take a little time.