
Dylan is an ex-k9 pup who has unfortunately returned to the kennels through no fault of his own. He is a big dog but less than 1 year old. He is playful and very friendly and loves to go on walks and play with the other dogs. He will make an amazing companion to whoever decides to adopt him.

If you would like to meet him please come to the kennels or contact us for more information.

Dylan es un ex-cachorro del refugio que desafortunadamente ha vuelto, pero no por culpa suya. Es un perro grande de menos de 1 año de edad. Es muy cariñoso y lleno de energia y amor para regalar, Es muy jugueton y le encanta salir de paseo.

Si te interes ofrecerle un hogar o quieres conocerlo pasate por el refugio o llamanos.

Get in touch &

Contact us

Refugio de los Animales K9
Calle Chimbesque,
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Tel: 0034 667 638 468
Email: info@k9tenerife.com